Going to the Chapel!

Posted by
1:15 PM
I'm sure most people have a list of entertainment from growing up that never really fades from their memory. I really loved this movie as a kid and I still do! After all these years I still find value in it.The story line is great and I love the message. I love the the idea that all women are princesses..its our right!! The imagination in this movie is great too and the idea of promoting it. The fashion in this film is beautiful! The movie payed attention to detail to portray that time period. I loved the vibrant colors, various colors, ribbons, and fabrics. The major theme in the movie is GREEN in almost every scene there is going to be some sort element of green either in the set itself or in the clothing. Overall this movie just makes me happy. This is a vid I found that I thought was really creative. It is a remix of vocals, sound effects and musical chords from the movie .
Posted by
11:41 PM
Posted by
6:17 PM
Just from the preview this looks like a great show! I really think I will love it. I love being inspired and this show is about inspirational stories!!! I want to see the Jay Z Master class :]
Posted by
12:05 AM
*Apparently Egyptian cotton is grown in Texas.
*Thread Count is the actual amount of threads per area,times the amount of times that area is repeated in the fabric.
*Fashion design is needed for everyday life. Not only are clothes manufactured, but also seat belts, flame resistant seats in airplanes, water resistant fabics, anti-bacterial fabric for hospitals, etc. The list goes on, and shows how vital this industry is in our daily lives.
*Some new findings in the fashion world are garments made from bamboo and pinapple.Fashion is also "going green" as our society is.
*Angora clothing is made from the Angora rabbit not the Angora goat.
* If you are looking for breathable clothing choose ones made from cotton, wool, and rayon ... not nylon, polyester nor olefan.
* Silk may be pretty and expensive but raw silk is stinky :P