Sunday, January 03, 2010



   I randomly walked into Hot Topic today after watching the movie Avator (which was a really cool movie by the way..and reached 1 billion in profit according to today's news in Huffington Post) and when I mean random I mean I don't even remember the last time I stepped foot in one. Anyways what drew me in was the stick on Alice and Wonderland teapots and teacups on the window and the Hello Kitty merchandise. :] I wouldn't imagine this store carrying this kind of merchandise six years ago but the store is changing. After seeing the big Alice in Wonderland posters in the theatre lobby and being really excited to see it.. it's no wonder that I wanted to check out what kind of Alice things they had in stock. Here are the shirts that I thought were cute and creatively made! This movie kinda looks creepy and dark but I want to see the creativity at work and see Tim Burton's take on the classic.


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