I see potential for something greater
Well It has been a good minute since I last wrote a blog post! Even though I haven't written in quite a while; I enjoy writing and I am eager to share more frequently.
Even though I am in love with fashion I find myself ohhing and awwing at a variety of creative designs and processes. Even if the subject matter isn't necessarily my line of work like architecture, interior design, cooking, singing, or painting; I find joy in observing, and learning more about these art forms. 'I thrive in creative spaces!' best describes myself when I read about a new invention or like the new development in Down Town Detroit.
The picture below reminds me of when I was in eighth grade and my class was instructed to create a city on the Sim City computer program. The game was fun because the 'world' was your canvas and you could place rural locations, and urban. You could create a plumbing system and electricity. It was exciting for me as a young child to use the technology at my fingertips to create the community I desired.
Essentially the contractors of this new development in Grand Circus Park in Detroit are doing the same thing. Just this time, it's real. It would be cool to look at this location as a blank canvas and see the potential before it existed. The improvements are going to start this summer so I'm looking forward to the changes coming soon. When I see this picture; I see ideas becoming reality. I see revenue coming in for Detroit everyday not just on game days. I see potential for something greater. I see progress. I see a community coming together to create something better for everyone but it requires working together and listening to new ideas.

In the last few months I have been hearing about Ryan Gosling creating a film in Michigan. I get enthralled in the subject and I can't wait to hear what is next. I feel like I have so much to learn about the movie industry from production to acting and to see it being created locally is exciting. These new happenings are creating a re branding of our state and the city of Detroit. Not only do locals talk about it but my desire is that the media that we are so engaged in start talking about it.

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