Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Betty got her braces off!!! :D

Yes! Tonight I got to see the marvelous event of Betty getting her braces FINALLY off! Wow its like a beginning of a new era in TV land. I never thought this day would happen! It had to come eventually because she already was transforming by the new clothes she has been wearing, her new hair style and her new glasses. These changes allow the character to grow into maturity as the story continues. These changes also set the stage for the series finale. There has been word of the show ending : / Even so it is so cool to see the show finish strong. To update from my last entry of Betty. I ended up getting season 1 for Christmas, season 2 at Blockbuster for a great bargain, and season 3 for Valentine's Day! I can't wait to get season 4, since that season is currently airing ..that won't be for a while. The episode that aired today was great! It was funny and was a lot different than how I thought it was going to happen. In the next episode Betty is going to London!..and she will run into old friends : D


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