Friday, June 22, 2012

Sidewalk Chic

This is the outfit I wore to The Modern Man Showcase and Best Dressed Contest. I accessorized with my design, The Gregoria tie. This tie was named after my grandmother. My grandma is a true fashionista and it only fits to name a glamorous tie after her.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Coolest thumb ever!

I decided to experiment with this nail art technique. I really think it came out nicely.  It has a tie dye/swirl design. Being new to nail art, the concept was not that difficult. I'm looking forward to experimenting with other new ways displaying art on my fingers :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fanning the flames of fashion

Heating it up in Royal Oak. Seriously though..its hot today! --high of 93 degrees (feels like 95)! Stock up on some shades, Slurpee, and air conditioning.

photo credit: @chiefkoboei

Monday, June 18, 2012

Neon NEway

Neon Neway

I heart neon yellow/green, so I thought I would let the color inspire this ensemble. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

My Avengers

It's surreal to think that I have my own superheros. 
Another change that has occurred as of recent is the creation of my own Avengers.

:: (After soaking it all in and thinking about what had happened I realized I could use The Avengers as a great analogy that relates to my life.) ::

Let's step back  a few steps and I will explain what I mean. I have been blessed with the opportunity to have a team of interns at the infancy of my company. Each intern has their own unique talents that can better the group as a whole. Each person will contribute to the team using their talents/super powers for the same common goal.

After watching The Avengers blockbuster and witnessing all of this coming together; the more I realized I would use humor to explain to myself what was happening. So this is it. I have my own Avengers! :) I am symbolically Samuel L. Jackson (all I need is an eye patch haha) and I have my crew of superheros that will do a fantastic job (saving the world from alien life form thugs)! One of my interns wants to be Spider Man instead of Captain America so we will have to rearrange the story, plot, script, etc. but Spider Man is a good hero to have on the team. 

Next month is when all the fun and planning will come to life! I will be sharing behind the scene footage of the projects we are working on this summer. 

Summer 2012 has me completely stoked to say the least. 

After we complete our tasks guys we should go for some shawarma! lol

Friday, June 15, 2012

French: le détroit, meaning the strait

In the Coche City this is how I roll. :) You can't go wrong with a good looking pair of  black shorts. It is a staple that can complete a lot of my summer looks.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Impossible Is Nothing!

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they have been given than to explore the power they have to change it...

Impossible is not a fact, Impossible is only an opinion, Impossible is not a declaration, Impossible is a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary...

Impossible is nothing!"

~Thank You Eric Thomas
Your words stay with me

If you don't know, now you know.

Nail Color of the Day

This is the orange color I try to bust out during this summer season. It is OPI and the name is: A GOOD MAN-DARIN IS HARD TO FIND. I love how OPI is clever with their color names. The colorful background is a dish that my sister brought back from Mexico...I'm quite fond of it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

On the Edge

On the Edge

I decided to style something that is a little rough around the edges. The accessories are kind of masculine with a feminine flowy, light tunic top.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Spring Awakening

 ~ Over the years I have seen a lot of fashion bloggers post pictures of the their outfits. It has been on mind to do this for myself as well. I think my favorite looks are in spring and summer so this is perfect timing.  

Spring is a time where I enjoy putting away all of the layers, and boots. For a few months I forget about the cold seasons. Excitement begins to unfold when images of the beautiful sky, flowers, and beach front permeate my thought process. Breaking out the bright colors awakens something inside me. Maybe it is a cultural thing that created my love for color... Mexican culture embraces COLOR. It is in the fashion,  it is on the homes (my grandparents' home was pink lol), and it is in the food.   

 Summer allows me to be more creative with my wardrobe. I can wear what I want without having to consider the freezing elements outdoors. So I will be posting my favorite looks throughout the summer and hopefully that will lead into the fall.  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Catalyst

So the last few months have been in one word...'change'. I am very thankful for everything that has happened, is happening, and that will happen. I can't fully express in words how I feel about what is going on, other than one word: amazing. What is going on is amazing. God is so amazing. I have seen him change things and create things that would not be possible without his hand in it. At this point I am going to have faith in the unseen.  I'm going to have faith in the 'Impossible' because Jesus specializes in the impossible. He specializes in using experiences to better us, and to refine us.

One change that has occurred is my sudden fascination with men's wear. For the longest time I thought my main focus in design would be women's wear. Maybe I would dabble in a few things here and there but mostly just women's. I did a lot of brainstorming over the winter, some experimenting. It wasn't until March things started shifting. I was asked to create 2 ties for Rachelle Romanowski Willnus, they were to be modeled at her Kentucky Derby Event. That was when the 'dabble' would become much more.

I decided I was going to challenge what I knew about ties, what was expected; and take it to the next level. I like bending the rules, I like manipulating the idea of what is traditional to create something out of the box. There is nothing wrong with has it's purposes but part of my brain tells me "Go Avant garde!!!" So I questioned design. What is masculine? What is feminine? What separates those two ideas? I solved the problem I created for myself...which I tend to enjoy. I created the first 2 of my casual ties.

After that I challenged myself more, creating over 15 ties. I was determined to find the art history in my work. I was willing to make mistakes, and to discover something unusual. And here we are in June. I find myself excited for what is to come of this change.

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