Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patrick's

One thing I noticed is that on this holiday there is a unique custom that I don't think any other holiday has. This unique thing is the strong observance of dress or even a certain 'uniform' that is embraced. Everyone isn't wearing the same outfits but the same color, GREEN or shades/tints of it. Of course this is voluntary but there is always that saying that whoever doesn't wear green will get pinched. This custom is fun because you can be different, wear outrageous accessories and gear while wearing the same color and it is acceptable for this one day out of the year. If everyone were to wear matching colors throughout the may be a little weird but on this one day it is the exception to the norm. Another thing that I thought was interesting about this holiday is that anyone can enjoy it across the globe. The celebration crosses ethnic backgrounds, and beliefs. We are all different but on March 17th we can express our dress in the same wearing green.


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